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New Heatmaps Feature by Yoffix to Help Companies Increase their Office Space Efficiency

8 min

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We all see how layoffs are increasing all over the world, as companies are trying to cut their costs and reconsider office space utilization. “How to make the most out of your office” — is an urgent issue many employers are rushing to solve.


Fortunately, there are tech solutions that can help in this regard, making both employers and employees satisfied.


As an example, our portfolio company Yoffix has recently launched a new heatmaps feature for their Desk Booking Platform for hybrid teams. It allows companies to analyze office utilization and capacity on a desk level:


— Which desks could be transferred to flex desks?

— Which desks should be completely removed?

— Which work areas should be redesigned to collaboration space?


Smart heatmap reports provide companies with the transparency needed to make the right data-driven office decisions that fit best the team’s office needs. Thanks to that, employers can win great insights and make their offices comfortable and efficient.


For instance, small adjustments such identifying unused spaces and seats and transforming them into collaboration spaces, meeting rooms, or a chill-out lounge can upgrade the whole office experience.


With the help of Yoffix and their data-driven decisions, companies can now create an efficient office space that makes sense and motivates people to work together.


Learn more about Yoffix and their new feature here