Apollo is an intelligent travel platform that provides access to multimodal transportation worldwide, enabling a better travel experience from search to planning and purchasing. This is a win-win solution for travel agencies because it:
— Merges multiple screens into a single intuitive user interface,
— Links all existing partners into the system with a single login,
— Provides travel sellers with quality data, intelligently combining trips and providing customizations across all sources of supply, and finally,
— Allows clients to book online 24/7.
Simply put, Apollo is the single travel platform for all modes of transport as well as great offerings for clients with various price sensitivities, which opens a window to a much more diverse travel inventory. This is the IT infrastructure for the future of travel.
• Founded by ex-founder Busfor (acquired for $89m by BlaBlaCar) and ex-top manager of Boeing USA
• Aggregated $3B in inventory
Clients: (20+) Distribusion, Zabka, dozens of OTAs, etc.